.. _tutorial: Tutorial ======== .. py:currentmodule:: assembly A recurrent area cell ********************* .. image:: images/area.png :width: 300 The building block of computation with assemblies [1]_ is a recurrent neural network cell, called *area*, the forward pass of which is described in the :ref:`usage`. The output of such an area is a binary sparse vector, formed by winner-take-all competition. For example, if an input vector multiplied by a weight yields vector :code:`z = [-3.2, 4.6, 0, 0.7, 1.9]`, then :code:`kwta(z, k=2) = [0, 1, 0, 0, 1]`. K-winners-take-all ------------------ One of the properties of kWTA is that the inverse of kWTA is also kWTA, even in case of a random projection (the multiplication matrix is random, not learned). On the plot below, several images from MNIST dataset are shown on the left, their random projection & cut binary vector :math:`\bm{y} = \text{kWTA}(\bm{Wx}, k_y)`, reshaped as a matrix, in the middle, and the restored :math:`\tilde{\bm{x}} = \text{kWTA}(\bm{W^T y}, k_x)` is shown on the right. :math:`\text{dim}(\bm{y}) \gg \text{dim}(\bm{x})` condition must hold in order to restore the input signal. .. image:: images/kwta_inverse.png :width: 300 This example shows that a random projection & cut operation (kWTA followed by multiplication by a random matrix) preserves enough information to reconstruct the input signal. How does the association work? ****************************** How to associate information from two and more different modalities? For example, how to associate a picture of an elephant with the sound an elephant makes? Willshaw's model ---------------- Let's define the task in mathematical terms: let `x` and `y` denote the image and the sound representation vectors of a signal respectively. Then the simplest way to associate `x` and `y` is to resort to the Hebbian-like learning rule. Assuming both `x` and `y` are binary sparse vectors, we can construct the weight matrix as an outer product of `x` and `y`. This technique is described in [2]_ and implemented in :class:`AreaRNNWillshaw`. The idea behind Willshaw's paper is based on the outer product property: .. math:: (\bm{x} \otimes \bm{y}) \bm{y} = \bm{x} * (\bm{y}\bm{y^T}) \propto \bm{x} which naturally suggests the following update rule: .. math:: \begin{cases} \bm{W} = \bm{W} + \bm{x} \otimes \bm{y} \\ \bm{W} = \Theta(\bm{W}) \end{cases} where :math:`\Theta(x) = 1 ~~ \text{if} ~~ x > 0`; otherwise, it's zero. Papadimitriou's model --------------------- Willshaw's update mechanism has a limitation: the initial matrix :math:`\bm{W}` must be initialized with zeros, which poses biological plausibility problems. To alleviate this, we can use a third layer `C` to indirectly associate the parental layers `A` and `B`, as shown below. .. image:: images/area_sequence.png Area `A` encodes images, and area `B` - sound. The output of `A` and `B` is projected onto area `C`, which forms a combined image-sound representation. After several such projections (forward passes), the assemblies `A-C` and `B-C` become more and more overlapping - significantly more than by chance. This process is called `association` and described in [1]_. Following the example above, when areas `A` and `B` become associated, a sound an elephant makes will reconstruct a memory of elephant pictures (and vice versa), stored in `B`, assuming, of course, the presence of backward connections from area `C` to the incoming areas, which is not covered in this tutorial. Input areas `A` and `B` can, of course, represent signals of the same modality that come from different cortical areas or layers. Results ~~~~~~~ The example below shows area `C` activations, reshaped as matrices, when (from left to right): - only `A` is active; - only `B` is active; - both `A` and `B` are active. before and after the association mechanism described above. Overlapping neurons are shown in green. Before: .. image:: images/before_association.png :width: 500 After: .. image:: images/after_association.png :width: 500 More results ^^^^^^^^^^^^ More results are here: Pick *"2020.11.26 AreaSequential assemblies"* experiment from the drop-down list. .. image:: images/screenshot.png :width: 700 References ---------- .. [1] Papadimitriou, C. H., Vempala, S. S., Mitropolsky, D., Collins, M., & Maass, W. (2020). Brain computation by assemblies of neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. .. [2] Willshaw, D. J., Buneman, O. P., & Longuet-Higgins, H. C. (1969). Non-holographic associative memory. Nature, 222(5197), 960-962.